Reducing Our Carbon Emissions

Reducing carbon emissions is critical for mitigating the impacts of climate change. Climate change is caused by the release of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat and cause the planet’s temperature to rise, leading to a range of negative impacts such as sea level rise, more frequent and severe natural disasters, and changes in weather patterns.

By reducing our carbon emissions, we can help slow down the pace of climate change and reduce the severity of its impacts. This can help protect vulnerable communities, ecosystems, and species from the worst effects of climate change. In addition, reducing our carbon emissions can also have co-benefits such as improving air quality, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, and promoting innovation and new economic opportunities in clean energy technologies.



Reduction Target Plan

Our organisation is committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions in order to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Our target is to reduce our emissions by 50% below our baseline levels by 2030. We recognize that this is an ambitious goal, but we believe it is necessary to contribute to the global effort to address climate change.


Carbon Offsetting Projects

Through the Carbon Neutral Britain Climate Fund™, we have offset our total carbon emissions through internationally certified carbon offsetting projects. Certified via the Verra - Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the Gold Standard - Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER) or the United Nations - Certified Emission Reductions (CER) programmes, the projects have also been selected based on their direct and indirect impact around the world - not just in offsetting, but also in supporting education, employment and clean water, as well as having net positive impact on the local wildlife and ecology. As the three largest, and most regulated voluntary offsetting standards used by organisations and even countries in their emissions reductions - all measurements and tonnes of CO₂e offset are accurate, and verified.

Project 1165: Salkhit Wind Farm in Mongolia
Project 2112: Wind Power in Karnataka in India
Project 2151: Household Solar Lighting in Zambia
Project 2256: Elazig Solar Farm in Turkey

Project 1165:
Salkhit Wind Farm in Mongolia

Located in the Tinguiririca River upper valley, this Hydroelectric project is around 120km south of Santiago, Chile. Known as La Confluencia, the 163 MW run of river hydro power plant utilizes the hydrological resources of the Tinguiririca, Portillo and Azufre Rivers, in a run of river scheme to generate and supply zero emission energy to the Chilean central electricity grid (SIC). The power plant generates certified emission reductions (CERs) by displacing electricity generation from grid connected fossil fuel-fired power plants that would otherwise be generating electricity.


Project 2112:
Wind Power in Karnataka in India

Selected by Carbon Neutral Britain, based upon the high output, and economic benefits, Project 2112 - Wind Power in Karnataka - produces renewable electric power from wind electric generators (WEGs) in a region where fossil fuels would have otherwise been burnt for energy. This project involves the construction, commissioning, and safe operation of a wind farm in the Indian state of Karnataka, supplying the Karnataka state electricity grid, which forms a part of the Southern Regional Electricity Grid of India.


Project 2151:
Household Solar Lighting in Zambia

Selected by Carbon Neutral Britain based upon the significant social benefits - this project provides solar lighting to families in Zambia who lack access to electricity in the home. By providing a cost-effective and clean lighting solutions for the first time, families and children are able to study, cook, and socialise in the safety of the home. Carbon emissions are avoided via households previously being dependent on inefficient and high carbon output lighting from kerosene lamps and fireplaces, which are replaced by the solar lighting devices provided.

Project 2256:
Elazig Solar Farm in Turkey

Selected by Carbon Neutral Britain, Elazig Solar Farm is one of the first ‘high efficiency’ solar farms within the region, providing economically viable renewable energy solutions, in a country heavily reliant on fossil fuel combustion. By providing clean renewable energy to the Turkish National Grid, GHG emissions are avoided that would have otherwise been combusted for energy generation. In a country with a significant energy deficit - Elazig Solar Farm aims to be one of many solar projects to help reduce emissions, whilst also providing economic stability and certainty in the availability and cost of energy across the country.





Located in the Tinguiririca River upper valley, this Hydroelectric project is around 120km south of Santiago, Chile. Known as La Confluencia, the 163 MW run of river hydro power plant utilizes the hydrological resources of the Tinguiririca, Portillo and Azufre Rivers, in a run of river scheme to generate and supply zero emission energy to the Chilean central electricity grid (SIC). The power plant generates certified emission reductions (CERs) by displacing electricity generation from grid connected fossil fuel-fired power plants that would otherwise be generating electricity.



Selected by Carbon Neutral Britain, based upon the high output, and economic benefits, Project 2112 - Wind Power in Karnataka - produces renewable electric power from wind electric generators (WEGs) in a region where fossil fuels would have otherwise been burnt for energy. This project involves the construction, commissioning, and safe operation of a wind farm in the Indian state of Karnataka, supplying the Karnataka state electricity grid, which forms a part of the Southern Regional Electricity Grid of India.



Selected by Carbon Neutral Britain based upon the significant social benefits - this project provides solar lighting to families in Zambia who lack access to electricity in the home. By providing a cost-effective and clean lighting solutions for the first time, families and children are able to study, cook, and socialise in the safety of the home. Carbon emissions are avoided via households previously being dependent on inefficient and high carbon output lighting from kerosene lamps and fireplaces, which are replaced by the solar lighting devices provided.



Selected by Carbon Neutral Britain, Elazig Solar Farm is one of the first ‘high efficiency’ solar farms within the region, providing economically viable renewable energy solutions, in a country heavily reliant on fossil fuel combustion. By providing clean renewable energy to the Turkish National Grid, GHG emissions are avoided that would have otherwise been combusted for energy generation. In a country with a significant energy deficit - Elazig Solar Farm aims to be one of many solar projects to help reduce emissions, whilst also providing economic stability and certainty in the availability and cost of energy across the country.



Why Carbon Neutral Britain

Carbon Neutral Britain™ is the UK’s Leading Carbon
Offsetting Initiative - allowing individuals and businesses to offset their
environmental impact. All of the projects they select are certified to the
highest standards through either the Verra - Verified Carbon Standard (VCS),
the Gold Standard - Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER)
or the United Nations - Certified Emission Reductions (CER) programmes.

Step 1 - Calculate >
Step 2 - Offset >
Step 3 - Certify >
Step 4 - Reduce Future Emissions



Our Certificate




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