Leslie Lawson-Kinross, Infection Control/Medical Devices Lead, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
To evaluate the tolerability and suitability of an alcohol-free foam hand sanitiser within the courier team, who visit multiple healthcare settings in a shift, having contact with many ‘high touch’ surfaces and may subsequently transfer pathogenic microorganisms.
10 x 600ml bottles of Medi9 Hand Sanitising Foam were given to the courier team to use for 4 weeks. Total potential sample size was 18 staff /10 vehicles. Feedback was requested anonymously in the form of an analogue scale questionnaire which was based on the WHO Protocol for Evaluation and Comparison of Tolerability and Acceptability of Different Alcohol-based Handrubs: Method 2 (WHO, 2009).
Questionnaires were collected by the author at the end of the trial period. Staff also gave additional verbal comments about the product at this time, which were noted. Medi9 Tough Wipes were also distributed for trial.
All respondents scored the product either 6 or 7 (on a scale of 1-7) for all elements.
The verbal comments were noted:
“It’s better than the other stuff, you have to throw half of that away because there’s too much in your hand”
“It’s much nicer on your skin, it doesn’t dry it like the other stuff”
Medi9 Hand Sanitising Foam costs the same per application as the existing ABHR liquid however, an overall cost saving is achieved due to the reduction in wastage through more appropriate use.
Equally, although alcohol-based hand sanitizers can inactivate many types of microbes very effectively when used correctly, staff may not be using a large enough volume of the liquid ABHR or may wipe it off before it has dried thereby decreasing the efficacy of their hand hygiene practice.
Medi9 Hand Sanitising Foam is an acceptable alternative to ABHR for the courier team.